Also it came with extra spacers to customise your 'spin pattern' and indicates to read the manual which was not included. I've had plenty of birds nest, but not back to back like this. Quickbooks enterprise 16 activation code. Could i have over spooled? It calmed down after the 3rd time. When i took it out today i got 3 separate birds nest and had to cut a bunch of line off after about ten cast each time. I spooled it with 10 lb super mono spyder wire. I just picked up this reel the other day for 50 bucks at walmart. I am not a big fan of spending big money on spinning reels, especialy not when a $50 Shimano has performed as well or better than I expected.

Mine have put more than a few 4-5 lb smallmouth in the boat, and several 5+ lb largemouth. I would scoop them up for $20 in a heart beat. I have owned other reels in this price range, I won't name names, but un-like other reels in that range, the Shimanos have gotten smoother with use, and the drags are smooth and reliable. I paid full price for mine at TW which I think was $50.